Conference Call: European Youth Energy Forum 2023

After a successful event last November in Lisbon, EYEN is organising its second Conference Call European Youth Energy Forum from 30 October to 3 November in Berlin! The Conference Call application for participants will open on June 5th, and soon some big partners will be reveiled. Follow EYEN on LinkedIn for updates, and sign up for our newsletter.



What is the The European Youth Energy Forum (EYEF)?

The European Youth Energy Forum (EYEF) is the flagship event of the European Youth Energy Network, with the mission to create the space for youth to voice its opinion and collaborate with energy stakeholders towards a better youth engagement in the European energy transition. People from the ages of 18 to 35 from across Europe are eligible to apply to the European Youth Energy Forum (EYEF). Based on rigorous criteria, EYEN selects the best applicants to participate in weekly online sessions, as well as a 5 days live event in Berlin (all expenses covered!). EYEF aims to induce structural changes towards mainstreaming the ideas and visions of young people in the energy sector.

For this second edition of the European Youth Energy Forum, we will select 50 participants who will continue to work of the previous year, by building on the position paper, which comprises 12 concrete proposals on how to improve youth engagement in the energy transition at the European, National and local levels, in the public and private sectors, as well as in education. Check out the position paper on “The role of youth in the future of the European energy transitionhere. The event will include discussion panels with energy experts (open to the general public and streamed online), as well as work sessions with the 50 youth, facilitated by EYEN.


For this second edition of the European Youth Energy Forum, we will select 50 participants who will continue to work of the previous year, by building on the position paper, which comprises 12 concrete proposals on how to improve youth engagement in the energy transition at the European, National and local levels, in the public and private sectors, as well as in education. Check out the position paper on “The role of youth in the future of the European energy transitionhere. The event will include discussion panels with energy experts (open to the general public and streamed online), as well as work sessions with the 50 youth, facilitated by EYEN.




The applications are open from June 5th to June 26th. The selected participants will participate in one onboarding online session in July. Seven online work sessions will then take place from September to the end of October. The live event in Berlin will happen from October 30th to November 3rd (all expenses covered!)

Applications are now open!

If you…

  • are between 18 and 35 years old
  • live in Europe
  • have good knowledge of English
  • are studying, working or specialised in the energy sector
  • are interested in the role of youth in the future of energy transition
  • committed to actively participating in the event and the preparation of the position paper

There are only 50 spots available, so make sure you get yours! Apply until June 26th:


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