Climate Justice Squad enables young climate activists to grow their impact and collaborate on a global scale, including:
- Cutting-edge training and mentoring
- Support to develop new projects or grow existing ones (a campaign, an organization, a mobilization etc.)
- A monthly stipend
- The opportunity and financial support to travel to some key climate and movement events.
Additional Information
Host Institution
Climate Justice Squad
Event Duration
Several months
Program Type
Fully Funded
Program Starts
August 1, 2023
Eligibility Criteria
Everybody between 18-30 years who is part of an organization, movement or grassroots group. Activists from the Global South and marginalized groups will be prioritized. More information in the FAQ below. The deadline for applications is June 11, 2023.
Eligible Countries
Open for all
Application Procedure
Click on the official link below to apply
Application Deadline
June 12, 2023
Official Link